We would love for you to help serve at First Baptist and connect with others. We offer the following ways:
Deacon / Deaconess MinistryThe role of the Deacon and Deaconess is to be a servant for the Lord. They serve the church in many capacities. Ordained Deacons assist with the communion services, baptismal services, weddings, funerals and ordination services. The bible tells us in 1 Timothy 3:3-18 the qualifications of a Deacon.
Usher MinistryUsher’s accommodate every congregant and visitor that enters the church doors. They are to greet and escort worshipers to their seat. Ensure that the congregants receive anything necessary to enjoy a pleasant worship service.
Culinary MinistryThe culinary ministry serves the church by providing nutritious meals and refreshments after special worship services and during the repass for bereaved families.
Hospitality MinistryThe hospitality ministry shares the love of God by welcoming members and guests into house of the Lord. Using the spiritual gift of helps, this ministry has a heart for serving others and inviting all to feel welcome.
Choir and Music MinistryThe choir and music ministries seek to glorify God and minister the Word of God through songs and music for the uplifting of God’s Kingdom, the edification of God’s children and to win lost souls. The primary objective is to be instruments of praise and worship through music and songs. This ministry includes the Senior Choir, Men’s Choir, Spiritual Choir and Youth Choir.
Media MinistryMedia Ministry carries the Gospel of Jesus Christ to an ever-changing world with Audio-Visual technology, and the use electronic media as a worship and outreach tool. This ministry also records our worship services, and is made available on our web site and on CD.
Pastor’s Aide MinistryThe Pastor’s Aide ministry provides support to the pastor of the church and his family in all areas of their lives.
LOVE Women’s MinistryLadies Of Virtue and Excellence is a ministry that is designed to deepen the spiritual lives of the women at our church through Bible Study sessions, outreach and fellowship.
Trustee MinistryThe trustee ministry serves as Christian stewards of the property that God has entrusted to the congregation. This includes supervising and maintaining the physical property of the church as well as oversight of the financial giving. Trustees are legal custodians of the church.
Internet MinistryThe internet ministry uses technology to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ throughout the world via our web site and the use of social media as a witnessing tool. |